The microcontroller market knows some well introduced 8-bit micro-controller families like Intel's 8051 with its many derivatives from different manufacturers, Motorola's 6805 and 68HC11, Microchip's PICmicros and Atmel's AVR.
The 8051 microcontroller family has been well-known over many years. The development of new derivatives is not finished yet. From time to time new powerful derivatives are announced.
You will find derivatives from Philips, Dallas, Analog Devices and Cygnal and others with the known 8051 core but enhanced clock and peripherals. For example, complete analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog subsystems were integrated in some chips.
Atmel developed the AVR microcontroller family which is well suited for high-level language programming and in-system programming.
For all those microcontrollers there is development software ranging from simple assemblers for DOS to integrated development envi-ronments for Windows95/98/NT on the market.
Apart from programming environments as they are offered, for ex-ample, by KEIL, IAR or E-LAB Computer for professional applica-tions, also the more economical and nonetheless sufficiently equipped development environments can maintain ground.
BASCOM-8051 and BASCOM-AVR are development environments built around a powerful BASIC compiler which is suited for project handling and program development for the 8051 family and its de-rivatives as well as for the AVR microcontrollers from Atmel.
The programming of microcontrollers using BASCOM-8051 (version and BASCOM-AVR (version will be described in this book.
Some applications help understand the usage of BASCOM-8051 and BASCOM-AVR.
I should like to thank the following:
1 Supported Microcontrollers 9 1.1 8051 Family 9 1.2 AVR Family 11 2 BASCOM 23 2.1 BASCOM Demos 23 2.2 BASCOM Commercial Versions 25 2.3 Update of BASCOM Commercial Versions 25 2.4 BASCOM Projects 27 2.4.1 Working on Projects 27 2.4.2 BASCOM Options 28 2.5 BASCOM Tools 37 2.5.1 Simulation 37 2.5.2 Terminal Emulator 40 2.5.3 LCD Designer 42 2.5.4 Library Manager 46 2.5.5 Programming Devices 50 2.6 Hardware for AVR RISC Microcontroller 55 2.6.1 DT006 AVR Development Board 55 2.6.2 AVR-ALPHA with AT90S2313 56 2.7 Instead of "Hello World" 57 2.7.1 AVR 57 2.7.2 8051 58 2.7.3 Things in Common 59 2.7.4 Simulation 64 2.8 BASCOM Help System 67 3 Some BASCOM Internals 69 3.1 Building new instructions 69 3.2 Parameters for Subroutines in BASCOM-AVR 71 3.3 BASIC & Assembler 73 3.3.1 AVR 74 3.3.2 8051 75 |
4 Applications 77 4.1 Programmable Logic 77 4.2 Timer and Counter 81 4.2.1 AVR 81 4.2.2 8051 104 4.3 LED Control 107 4.3.1 Single LED 107 4.3.2 Seven-Segment Displays 108 4.3.3 Dot-Matrix Displays 114 4.4 LCD Control 119 4.4.1 Direct Control 119 4.4.2 LCD with Serial Interface 122 4.5 Connecting Keys and Keyboards 128 4.5.1 Single Keys 129 4.5.2 Matrix Keypad 132 4.5.3 PC-AT Keyboard 136 4.6 Data Input by IR Remote Control 140 4.7 Asynchronous Serial Communication 143 4.8 1-WIRE Interface 151 4.9 SPI Interface 161 4.10 I2C Bus 167 4.11 Scalable Network Protocol S.N.A.P 173 4.11.1 S.N.A.P. Features 174 4.11.2 Description of S.N.A.P. Protocol 175 4.11.3 S.N.A.P. Monitor 179 4.11.4 Digital I/O 183 4.12 CANDIP - Interface to CAN 197 4.13 Random Numbers 209 4.14 Moving Average 214 5 Appendix 219 5.1 Decimal-Hex-ASCII Converter 219 5.2 DT006 Circuit Diagram 220 5.3 Characters in Seven-Segment Display 222 5.4 BASIC Stamp II 223 5.5 Literature 224 5.6 Links 225 6 Index 227 |