Some code snippets document a real implementation of an embedded/extended Lua into a Qt application.
The following function is called when the user presses the „init“ button on the GUI.
It calls the Lua VM with the init command string (“cube.init()
void MainWindow::pushButtonInitPressed(void) { LuaVM->run("ok, result = cube.init()"); }
The LuaVM receives a string to execute. The string must be a valid lua chunk.
The function creates and initializes the Lua VM and executes the function dostring()
process the lua chunk. At the end with lua_close()
the allocated memory is freed.
bool LuaVM::run(QString luaCommand) { L = lua_open(); /* create state */ lua_gc(L, LUA_GCSTOP, 0); /* stop garbadge collector during initialization */ luaL_openlibs(L); /* open libraries */ luaopen_cube(L); lua_gc(L, LUA_GCRESTART, 0); /* restart garbadge collector */ dostring(L, qPrintable(luaCommand)); .... lua_close(L); }
C++ implementation of the Lua function cube.init()
static int cube_init(lua_State *L) { e_ERROR err = ERROR_OK; err = cube->init(); lua_pushinteger(L, err); return 1; }
Table with all Lua functions and the corresponding implementations in C++.
static const struct luaL_reg cube_functions[] = { { "init", cube_init }, { NULL, NULL } };
This function connects the Lua function cube.init()
with its implementation in C++.
int luaopen_cube (lua_State *L) { luaL_openlib(L,"cube", cube_functions,0); return 1; }